Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
02/29/2016 | Rich Whitworth
CSI versus PSI: Forensic evidence can be applied to a paper triangle
02/24/2016 | Rich Whitworth
Imagine a society where people are discriminated against due to genetic predisposition to disease…
02/24/2016 | Melanie Voigt, Anika Gold, Christina Blaesing, Timo Hoelscher and Martin Jaeger
Why anybody would eat plant food let alone abuse its use is bemusing.
02/23/2016 | Joanna Cummings
Drugs get a second chance to enter our bodies - via wastewater and fish…
02/23/2016 | James Strachan
MOFs can now be nano-fabricated - what impact could the materials have on analytical science?
02/15/2016 | Rich Whitworth
Benthoctopus sp gets overly familiar with Alvin’s robotic manipulator arm at 2,300 meters down in the Gulf of Mexico.
02/04/2016 | Esteban Abad Holgado
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) encompass a wide variety of contaminants, but they share one thing in common: they have the potential to hit headlines and cause huge disruption to the food and feed industry.
02/04/2016 | Yvette Mattley
Compact Spark spectral sensor measures Vis-NIR absorbance of hemoglobin – and more
02/04/2016 | F. Scott Anderson
F. Scott Anderson, a staff scientist at the Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, Colorado, USA, discusses the potential of in-situ resonance ionization mass spectrometry for understanding the age of planetary bodies.
02/04/2016 | Roger Wiens
Scientists who are dissatisfied with the analysis of samples from our blue planet look to the stars
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond