Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
12/10/2015 | Heinz Singer
New analytical capability can have a significant impact on research direction.
12/10/2015 | Donald G. Patterson Jr.
Every year sees new chemicals added to the list of analytes that may need to be measured in a given sample. At the same time, environmental levels of many older pollutants may be in decline – but still must be measured.
12/10/2015 | James Strachan
Criminals “sweating it out” beware: a new amino acid test can tell male from female fingerprints
12/09/2015 | Rich Whitworth
Three years on, and our mission to record, celebrate and scrutinize analytical science is as strong as ever.
This application note will describe the analysis of a series of dextran samples ranging in molecular weight from about 1 – 650 kDa. Structural comparisons to other polysaccharides, gum arabic and pectin are presented. Initially discovered by Louis Pasteur in 1861, dextran is a polysaccharide that has found a variety of applications, primarily in the medical field, due to its minimal side-effects and solubility in aqueous media.
11/17/2015 | Rich Whitworth
Sitting Down With… Detlef Günther, VP Research and Corporate Relations, and Professor for Trace Element and Micro Analysis, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
11/17/2015 | Cicely Rathmell
Optimizing oxygen delivery improves stem cell treatment of peripheral artery disease.
A growing target list, increasingly complex matrices, and the need for low limits of detection can make our field seem like an uphill treadmill.
To formulate successfully with HA it is essential to understand the impact of factors such as molecular weight, molecular structure, concentration and degree of cross-linking on rheological characteristics such as viscoelasticity which are directly linked to aspects of product performance. Linking structural characteristics to product performance, via rheological properties, supports smart, fast, and effective formulation. The following study shows how rheology and particle size measurements can be used to characterize the physical properties of HA dermal fillers.
11/16/2015 | Roisin McGuigan
A new DNA-based sensor shows promise for indirect detection of thallium
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond