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Fields & Applications Technology

Technology Panel: Comprehensive Chromatography

| Tom van de Goor, Claude R Mallet, Marco Koenen & Björn-Thoralf Erxleben

What’s new in comprehensive separations – and what does the future have in store?

Fields & Applications Petrochem

The Truth About Fracking

| Doug Carlton Jr.

Analytical chemists aim to inject some much-needed objectivity into the debate on fracking

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

Performance of Polymer Solutions for Enhanced Oil Recovery

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

In this article we take an introductory look at work carried out by TU Clausthal to develop an improved understanding of the mechanisms of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) by polymer flooding, and the relevance of fluid rheology. Example data illustrates the insight that rheology provides and its application in optimizing fluid performance.

Fields & Applications Gas Chromatography

Magnificent Mentors

| Harold McNair

Harold McNair shares some of his favorite stories about several pioneers he has worked with.

Fields & Applications Gas Chromatography

VUV Versus Industry

| Hans-Gerd Janssen

VUV detection for gas chromatography - how does it fare in real-world applications in industry?

Fields & Applications Gas Chromatography

VUV En Vogue

| Kevin Schug, Luigi Mondello, Nicholas Snow

Three experts share their views on gas chromatography-vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) detection

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Sizing up the Solution

This article explores the role of different components within drilling muds, including barite and calcium carbonate. The need to achieve optimum particle sizes is examined, the application of laser diffraction is considered within this context. Fast, efficient and having a wide measurement range, laser diffraction delivers accurate, precise and reproducible particle size information. Offering automated analysis, it is a preferred method for drilling mud particle sizing and the focus of ongoing API efforts to develop a standard in this area.

Fields & Applications Technology

Absolute molecular weight’s measurements of synthetic polymers using the Viscotek SEC-MALS 20

The molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and size of two common polymers are measured using SEC-MALS 20. Results from SEC-MALS and conventional calibration are compared and discussed.

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

How to Maximize Absolute Molecular Weight Measurement Accuracy: Synthetic Polymers

The molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and size of three common polymers are measured using OMNISEC. This information can provide insight into the physical properties and behavior of these synthetic polymers.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Laser diffraction and automated imaging: complementary techniques for nasal spray development

The techniques of laser diffraction and automated particle imaging support the fast, cost-effective development of nasal spray products, simultaneously providing the data required for regulatory compliance. This paper examines their application.

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