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Business & Education Mass Spectrometry

The Magnificent Scientists

| Charlotte Barker

Welcome to 2017’s eagerly anticipated Power List issue!

Business & Education Technology

Calling All Innovators!

Nominations are now open for The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards 2017

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Introducing…The Spectroscopist

Introducing our new mini-mag, The Spectroscopist - shining a light on the past, present and future of spectroscopy

Techniques & Tools Sensors

Let Battle Commence

| Michel Nielen

Could FoodSmartphone be a more effective weapon in the fight against food fraud?

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

High-Throughput Formaldehyde Analysis in Air Using Direct Mass Spectrometry

| Mark J. Perkins, Vaughan S. Langford

Direct analysis (SIFT-MS) enables real-time monitoring of formaldehyde

Techniques & Tools Pharma & Biopharma

The Analysis of Residual Solvents in Pharmaceutical Products Using GC-VUV and Static Headspace

| Sponsored by VUV Analytics

Introducing a new method for faster sample throughput and shorter GC runtimes

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Keep CLAM... and Forget Sample Prep Bottlenecks

| Davide Vecchietti

How automated LC-MS is transforming the world of clinical analysis – and beyond.

Fields & Applications Environmental

Water, Water Everywhere

| Michael Jeitziner

As pressure to achieve accurate measurement rises, how confident are you in your water determination?

Techniques & Tools Food, Beverage & Agriculture

Food Analysis at Your Fingertips

| Yannick Weesepoel

We profile two projects combining analytical technology with smartphone portability for food analysis

Fields & Applications Petrochem

The Truth About Fracking

| Doug Carlton Jr.

Analytical chemists aim to inject some much-needed objectivity into the debate on fracking

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