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Techniques & Tools Technology

ZipChips and LIGHTNIRS

Two innovations that stood out from the crowd at Pittcon 2016

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

High Hopes

| Joanna Cummings

Can infrared absorption and Raman spectroscopy keep pace with clandestine chemists?

Fields & Applications Clinical

The Translational Scientist

| Rich Whitworth

...the perfect companion to The Analytical Scientist.

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

Assessing the effect of formulation composition on spidroin charge and stability

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

This application note describes the use of a Zetasizer Nano ZSP to characterize the charge state of spidroins in different formulations. The earliest stages of spidroin aggregation in different formulations are then assessed using low-temperature synamic light scattering (DLS) thermal trend experiments.

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

Case study: Effects of gamma-ray sterilization on high molecular weight

| Baljit Ghatora

A sample of PMMA was analysed by Size Exclusion Chromatography with Triple detection, before and after sterilization. Reduction in the molecular weight was shown to be firstly by cleaving the polymer at the branching points.

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

Viscotek SEC-MALS 20 to measure protein aggregation

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

In this application note, a selection of proteins are separated using Size Exclusion Chromatograpghy (SEC). The molecular weights of their oligomers and aggregates are measured by SEC-MALS and the results discussed.

Techniques & Tools Micro/Nano-scale

Image of the Month

| Rich Whitworth

CSI versus PSI: Forensic evidence can be applied to a paper triangle

Techniques & Tools Forensics

Forensic Myths and Methods

| Glen Jackson, Christopher Palenik

Don your purple nitrile gloves and grab a swab or two, as we delve into the realities of crime scene investigation.

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

Not Spoiling the (Biopharma) Broth

| Dörte Solle

Can sophisticated spectroscopic sensors streamline bioprocess monitoring to better meet FDA standards?

Fields & Applications

Poster Appraisal

| Cory Stiner, Hamed Eghbali, Greg Klunder, Deirdre Cabooter

Are poster sessions still relevant in 21st century scientific meetings or are they just filling time and space – and justifying the cost of sending students to events? Here, Deirdre Cabooter (HTC organizer), Greg Klunder (SciX organizer), Hamed Eghbali (HPLC organizer and judge), and grad student Cory Stiner make the case for laminated works of science.

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