Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
01/17/2025 | 4 min read
2024 Power List Planet Protectors tell us about important problems that could – and should – be tackled through interdisciplinary work
01/17/2025 | Sponsored by Agilent Technologies | 8 min read
How do people get involved in biopharma – and what keeps them there? Welcome to the first chapter of “So You Want to Be a Biopharmaceutical Analyst.”
01/17/2025 | Henry Thomas | 2 min read
Chromatography perspectives, analysis of blubber from whales, and developments in the search for Cleopatra’s sister…
01/16/2025 | 3 min read
New genetic and radiocarbon evidence reveal the Octagon tomb in Ephesos housed a boy with developmental disorders – not Cleopatra’s half-sister
01/16/2025 | Gemma Halliday, Anup Chugani, Ephrem Chin | 3 min read
The importance of standards in precision molecular oncology assays
01/15/2025 | 7 min read
Chromatography-free techniques can speed up analysis time from minutes to seconds while also eliminating 95 percent of organic waste
UC Riverside scientists develop a nanopore-based tool that could detect disease with speed and sensitivity
01/13/2025 | Lloyd Smith, James Strachan | 11 min read
Embrace youthful confidence, send out tendrils, don’t shoot your balloons too early, and more innovation lessons learned from Lloyd Smith
01/10/2025 | Lorena Vidal | 5 min read
It is time to stop, think, and go back to chemistry to explore our methodologies at a deeper level
01/10/2025 | James Strachan | 2 min read
“Cryofixing” Raman microscopy’s signal-to-noise problem, miniaturized all-fiber photoacoustic spectrometer, and more spec-tacular stories!
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond