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Fields & Applications Metabolomics & Lipidomics

A Worm's-Eye View

| Lauren Robertson

Could a new MALD-MSI approach bring unprecedented levels of detail to the study of host-microbe interactions?

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Swifter Spec

| Lauren Robertson

Taking measurement into the ultrafast range with spectral vector beams

Fields & Applications Pharma & Biopharma

A Question of Quality

| Sponsored by MilliporeSigma

Here, we present the results of the Pharma Analysis & Quality Control Trends, Challenges and Outlook 2021 Global Survey.

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Public Service Spectroscopy

| James Strachan

We Sit Down With Ramon Barnes, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts, USA

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

(NA)DES: Delivering on a Green Promise?

| Lourdes Ramos

Could (NA)DES help the field deliver on the 2013 Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) principles?

Fields & Applications Forensics

Stashed Skull, Hidden Dragon (Man)

| Lauren Robertson

Once stowed away in an abandoned well, analysis of a Hominin fossil suggests we’ve found a long-lost sister lineage

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Putting Pen to Tumor

| Lauren Robertson

The MassSpec Pen looks set to transform cancer surgery with encouraging new results

Business & Education Education

A Tribute to Harold McNair (1933-2021)

Celebrating an outstanding analytical chemist’s impact on our field

Business & Education Spectroscopy

SciX 2021: A Brave New World

| Matt Hallam

SciX is opening its doors again this September - join us as we explore some of its key offerings

Fields & Applications Food, Beverage & Agriculture

The Special Series Food Safety and Analysis E-book

A delectable selection of our leading food content in one convenient place

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