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147 search results for ‘nanoparticle’

Techniques & Tools Micro/Nano-scale

Confronting Challenges – Big and Small

| Christy Haynes

Christy Haynes talks about challenges in nanoparticles.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Accurate Sizing and Precise Counting of 10 nm Gold Nanoparticles using the Enhanced Sensitivity of the NexION 2000 ICP-MS

| Contributed by Perkin Elmer

This work demonstrates the ability of the NexION 2000 ICP-MS with Syngistix Nano Software Module to accurately measure NPs.

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Shifting the Landscape of Nanomaterial Measurement

| Chady Stephan, Madjid Hadioui, Kevin J. Wilkinson, Robert Thomas

Collaboration between the University of Montreal and PerkinElmer shows how the unique capability of single particle inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) can be used to assess the environmental impact of engineered nanomaterials.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

An Elemental Regeneration

| Alexander Gundlach-Graham

How emerging applications in life sciences and environmental analysis are driving renewed interest in the unique properties of ICP-TOFMS

Techniques & Tools Sensors

Sense and… Fertility

| Markella Loi

How an aptamer biosensor for non-invasive female hormone monitoring could open the door to personalized reproductive healthcare

Quantitative Evaluation of Nanoparticle Dissolution Kinetics using Single Particle ICP-MS: A Case Study with Silver Nanoparticles

| Contributed by Perkin Elmer

The advancement of the single particle ICP-MS (SP-ICP-MS) technique is a great benefit for the study of ENPs in natural systems at environmentally relevant (ng/L) concentrations.

Fields & Applications Data Analysis

The Zetasizer Nano - simple & versatile light scattering system

The Zetasizer Nano is the world's most widely used light scattering system, for measuring size, zeta potential and molecular weight. Applications range from characterizing high concentration colloids and nanoparticles, through to measurement of proteins and macromolecules in their native state, requiring as little as 12 microlitres of sample. The Zetasizer Nano can be used for the comprehensive characterization of proteins, colloids and nanoparticles, and is simple to use, highly sensitive, versatile and fast! This videos shows how quickly and easily a measurement can be made on the Zetasizer Nano.

Micromilling of uniform nanoparticles for space applications

| Contributed by FRITSCH

The challenge of developing new materials and processes demands laboratory equipment with advanced capabilities.

Fields & Applications Sensors

Super Sensors

| Charlotte Barker

Meet a tiny biosensor that could diagnose HIV within a week of infection

Business & Education Sample Preparation

Monitoring Microfiltration Processes for Water Treatment

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

Quantifying Nanoparticle Concentration and Size to Optimize Filtration Processes

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