Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
01/26/2021 | Lauren Robertson
Analysis of a black spot casts new light on the final hours of a deadly Danish Expedition
01/21/2021 | Erwin Schoof
Should laboratories sidestep bulk cell measurements in favor of single-cell proteomics?
01/18/2021 | Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Orbitrap technology could supercharge pesticides analysis.
01/18/2021 | Charlotte Barker
Should cannabis flower be labeled with a “best before” date?
We quizzed Amanda about her contribution to the fight against cancer – and life outside the lab
12/18/2020 | Jeffrey Williams
The story of Exum Instruments' Massbox, from inception to development and beyond
12/08/2020 | Matt Hallam
Could point-of-care breath tests tighten our grasp on the pandemic?
12/02/2020 | Sponsored by Agilent Technologies
Staying ahead of pressing analytical challenges requires strong instrumentation.
11/20/2020 | Olivia Gaskill
Mass spectrometry may help identify reliable biomarkers for osteoarthritis
11/17/2020 | Mike Thurman, Imma Ferrer
Mike Thurman and Imma Ferrer share their passion for "discovery research" and how it has often led them to unprecedented findings...
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond