Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
09/17/2019 | Matt Hallam, Lana Brockbals, Pier Paolo Petrone, Cristina Barrocas Dias
How analytical chemistry refines life after death.
09/11/2019 | Michel Nielen, Hans-Gerd Janssen, Chris Elliott
To ready you for RAFA 2019, we find out what’s hot in food analysis with Michel Nielen, Hans-Gerd Janssen and Chris Elliott.
09/09/2019 | Sponsored by Agilent Technologies
The Agilent LC/MSD iQ is here to simplify LC-MS for MS and non-MS specialists alike.
09/02/2019 | David Clemmer, Erin Baker, Kevin Giles, Robin H.J. Kemperman
David Clemmer, Erin Baker, and Kevin Giles delve into the past, present, and future of IMS-MS.
08/19/2019 | Rolf Halden
Wastewater analysis not only informs us of human health and habits, but could even help transform our approach to healthcare.
08/15/2019 | Jonathan James
Trace element and isotope analyses highlight metal trading practices in Bronze Age Scandinavia.
08/14/2019 | Luke Turner
Could the permeability ratio be used to diagnose and monitor gut disorders less invasively than traditional colonoscopy?
08/14/2019 | Justin J.J van der Hooft
Substructure analysis provides a means to decipher complex metabolic samples.
Sitting Down With… Erin Baker, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, California, USA.
08/13/2019 | Jonathan James
Illuminating antiretroviral accumulation in the brain using LC-MS and MALDI-MSI - the key to tackling HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder?
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond