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Mass Spectrometry

Techniques & Tools Pharma & Biopharma

Biopharmaceutical characterization demands advanced detection capabilities

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Innovation that takes technology design to the physical limits

Techniques & Tools Gas Chromatography

Talking Extractables & Leachables – no more unknowns?

| Kyle D’Silva

Hear from Kyle D’Silva as he discusses new developments in GC-MS technology for Extractables and Leachables testing

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Talking Extractables & Leachables testing using Orbitrap based mass spectrometry

| Kate Comstock

Hear from Kate Comstock as she talks about her long experience with extractables testing in pharmaceutical companies

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

The Selfless Scientist

| Rich Whitworth

Working hard to achieve other people's goals - a sentiment that defines the analytical sciences.

Fields & Applications Gas Chromatography

Breaking New Ground with IC-MS

| Stuart Adams

Then & Now, with Stuart Adams, Higher Analytical Chemist at Fera Science Ltd, York, UK

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Understanding Our Atmosphere

| Giuseppe Petrucci

A journey into the study of organic aerosols and the analysis of atmospheric processes

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

King Tut’s Space Blade

| Joanna Cummings

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry uncovers meteoritic origin of a dagger in Tutankhamun’s tomb

Business & Education Mass Spectrometry

From Precision Medicine to Proteomic Maps

| Marcus Lippold , Rich Whitworth

Products, partnerships, investments - what’s going on in the analytical science business world.

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Maple Mayday

| Joanna Cummings

Assessing the effect of climate change on maple syrup - using liquid chromatography

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Killer Smile

| Joanna Cummings

A Chinese research group have discovered potentially dangerous levels of lead in lipsticks

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