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Techniques & Tools

Techniques & Tools Gas Chromatography

The Reformation of Analysis

| Apostolos Gerontas

The transformation of analytical chemistry into a full science has led to “black boxing” of knowledge

Techniques & Tools Capillary Electrophoresis

Easier Electroanalysis in Flowing Liquids

| Jan Vacek and Jan Hrbac

How carbon fiber is an effective but under-used material in liquid-flow electrochemical detection

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

An Education in ESI

| Michel Nielen, Pepijn Geutjes, Barend van Lagen, Teris A van Beek

An affordable way to conduct undergraduate courses on electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.

Techniques & Tools Technology

Image of the Month

| Rich Whitworth

A team from Sao Paolo made a roadworm glow green using site-directed mutagenesis of luciferase

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Innovation, Generation and Automation

| Marcus Lippold

Products, partnerships, investments - what’s going on in the analytical science business world.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

A Nest of Vapers

| Joanna Cummings

GC-MS shows that carcinogens and irritants in e-cigs are still a hot button issue

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

A Gold Standard Community

| Rich Whitworth

Rich proposes a toast to friendship and mentorship within the analytical science community

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Cheers to UHPLC!

| Rainer Bauder

On more reproducible and productive analytical workflows in the beverage industry.

Techniques & Tools Forensics

Health & Security

| Rich Whitworth, Joanna Cummings

From astronaut metabolomics to protein purification, separation science is everywhere.

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Food & Drink

| Rich Whitworth, Joanna Cummings

Whether testing tomatoes or assessing wine spoilage, analytical science is key to consumers.

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