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Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Structure-molecular weight relationships of synthetic polymers

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

In this application note, the structural distribution of some common polymers are compared using the Mark-Houwink plot. The data are all generated using the advanced OMNISEC multi-detector GPC/SEC system

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

An introduction to OMNISEC REVEAL

This technical note describes the system and explains how OMNISEC sets a new standard in molecular characterization.

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

An introduction to OMNISEC RESOLVE

This technical note describes the features and benefits of OMNISEC RESOLVE. It also includes a discussion of the value of OMNISEC as a complete system as opposed to upgrading an existing conventional system to advanced detection.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

The Mark–Houwink plot – Differentiation of Branching and Composition

Using OMNISEC, we will show how to separate the effects of a structural difference induced by a compositional change to a polymer (e.g. substitution) and the structural change induced by polymer chain branching.

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Pioneers of Precision Medicine

| Jeremy Nicholson

At the heart of the drive for increased epidemiological knowledge, faster diagnostics and better-informed treatment decisions are collaborations between medical doctors and analytical specialists.

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Sorting Out Gluten Intolerance

| Sponsored by Ocean Optics

NIR spectroscopy and machine vision team up for rapid grains inspection

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Pittcon Prelude / Editor’s Top Fives

| Stephanie Vine

Ahead of New Oleans, we offer a little history, editorial program picks, and invite you to the Humanity in Science Award symposium.

Techniques & Tools Clinical

Surgical Spectroscopy

| Stephanie Vine

A UK study is set to examine whether new Raman technology can be used to assist surgeons during brain tumor removal.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

The big reveal: Workhorse + Innovation = more information (Part 1)

A concern raised by the rise in routine MRI screening within the healthcare industry is that the ability to detect abnormalities within the body may currently be running ahead of our understanding of their possible consequences, making it difficult to determine a sound course of action. Here then analytical science is arguably advancing beyond current requirements.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

The big reveal: Workhorse + Innovation = more information (Part 2)

In this second article of a short series Dr Paul Kippax is looking at the how recent innovations are substantially enhancing the value and informational productivity of some of our established and trusted analytical techniques. This time, the addition of multiple detectors to a GPC/SEC analysis…

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