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Techniques & Tools Technology

Celebrating Analytical Science

| Rich Whitworth

We started The Analytical Scientist with a bold, three-word mission: recording, scrutinizing, celebrating.

Techniques & Tools Technology

TASIAs Strike Back!

| Stephanie Vine

The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards (TASIAs) return for 2014 to showcase new technologies, instruments and software solutions that are out of this world

Fields & Applications Technology

Characterization of hydrodynamic changes upon cation-binding to proteins

Work performed in conjunction with the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France Cations are specifically recognized by numerous proteins. Despite their small size, their specific interactions with highly charged residues allow them to induce significant conformational changes on their binding proteins.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Applications of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry in biopharmaceutical

This application note presents an example of how calorimetry aided the formulation development for ProX by providing insight into excipient-protein interactions. Polysorbate-80 and phenol are examined here as potential additives to the formulation buffer for ProX.

Fields & Applications Technology

Exosomes and Microvesicles: An introduction

The study of exosomes and other cell-derived microvesicles is an area of rapidly rowing importance and the subject of intense interest and research. The previous lack of suitable methods for their detection, analysis, enumeration and phenotyping is proving to be a significant limitation in these studies. This document shows the degree to which the technique of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) is helping to address these problems.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Beyond SOPs – Exploring the Rigor and Requirements of Analytical QbD

Analytical QbD (AQbD) promises to extend the rigor and benefits of QbD into the area of analytical method development.

Techniques & Tools Technology

A Vision of Our Mobile Future

| Aydogan Ozcan

How smartphone power, coupled with the scale of its adoption globally, offers a compelling platform for analytics and diagnostics – and a chance to level the playing field for researchers in resource-poor countries.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Who Says You Can’t Do GC-MS on an LC-MS System?

| Jody Dunstan

Atmospheric pressure gas chromatography (APGC) showed great promise when it was originally unveiled, but significant development and input from key collaborators would be required to harness the technique for ultra-trace POP analysis. Here’s that story.

Techniques & Tools Micro/Nano-scale

Opening Up Environmental Analysis

| David Cate, John Volckens, Chuck Henry

How microfluidic paper analytical devices will make testing for the presence of toxic chemicals in air or water as simple, ubiquitous and inexpensive as measuring the temperature.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

10 Reasons that the Zetasizer Nano is chosen for scientific success

New components and measurement techniques continue to be introduced for the Zetasizer Nano. New to the system are a Surface Zeta Potential accessory and a new diffusion barrier method for improved zeta potential measurements of protein samples. Why is the Malvern Zetasizer Nano so popular and found in a broad range of applied and fundamental scientifi c projects across all industries and fields? Because, it is simply the most dynamic and broad ranged instrument on the market for solving technical issues in today’s research environment and it continues to evolve with new capabilities. Here are 10 reasons why you should choose the Zetasizer Nano:

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