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App Notes

Results 561–570 of 1416

Analysis of Therapeutic Oligonucleotides by SEC-MALS

| Contributed by Tosoh

Oligonucleotides are increasingly recognized as therapeutics.

ParticleScout for Automated Confocal Raman Imaging Analysis of Microparticles

| Contributed by WITec GmbH

ParticleScout is a new software component for WITec confocal Raman microscopes that can automate and accelerate microparticle investigations.

Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Soil Sample by EPA Method 8260 using CDS 7000C Dynamic Headspace Module

| Contributed by CDS Analytical

The CDS 7000C is the industry’s first Purge and Trap concentrator seamlessly integrated with the PAL system.

Weather-Induced Degradation Study of Polystyrene Using the Photoprobe

| Contributed by CDS

High Intensity UV Irradiator at 800 mW/mm2.

Challenging simultaneous analysis of Amyloid β (Aβ) proteins

| Contributed by YMC

Aβ peptides are highly hydrophobic which leads to the formation of aggregates.

ParticleScout for Automated Confocal Raman Imaging Analysis of Microparticles

| Contributed by WITec GmbH

This overview of advanced microparticle analysis shows how particles can be found, classified and then identified automatically.

Infant Formula Made Safe with ICPMS

| Contributed by Shimadzu

This application reports on the simultaneous determination of various elements in infant formula using ICP-MS-2030.

Quantitative Cannabidiol Oil Analysis with CDS Pyroprobe

| Contributed by CDS

This app note demonstrates multi-step analysis of CBD oil, along with a reproducibility study and a cannabidiol calibration curve on concentration.

Extraordinary Simplified – Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ 480 LC-MS

| Contributed by Thermo Fisher Scientific

In this smart note you will learn the five most important benefits of an advanced, intelligence-driven instrument.

Metal Determination in Cosmetics by ICP

| Contributed by Malvern Panalytical

Comparative study between borate and peroxide fusion using TheOx electric fluxer

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