Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
08/20/2021 | James Strachan
We Sit Down With Ramon Barnes, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts, USA
05/15/2017 | James Strachan
Differential mobility spectrometry aims to save R&D by making it cheaper, faster and more efficient
02/23/2016 | James Strachan
MOFs can now be nano-fabricated - what impact could the materials have on analytical science?
02/03/2016 | James Strachan
Researchers use SPME and GC-MS to puncture claims that banned tire treatments are “undetectable”
Analytical science hits the mainstream with Netflix’s hit documentary [spoiler alert!]
Two-dimensional mass spectrometry (2DMS) can be twice as fast as conventional methods in proteomic analyses
12/10/2015 | James Strachan
Could carbon nanotubes hold the key to real-time, portable testing for meat freshness?
GSK and the RSC embark on a five-year partnership to bring GC-MS skills to Africa
Criminals “sweating it out” beware: a new amino acid test can tell male from female fingerprints
A new LC-MS/MS screening method simultaneously detects a wide range of non-banned potentially performance enhancing drugs and masking agents in urine
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond