Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
05/22/2019 | Peter Kissinger
Peter Kissinger, professor and entrepreneur, shares his wisdom on building a successful career in chemistry.
05/15/2019 | Charlotte Barker
Who are the Top 100 scientists in the field? Cast your vote by 19th July!
05/14/2019 | Charlotte Barker
Nominations are now open for this year's power list - a celebration of the heroes of analytical science.
04/30/2019 | Norman Dovichi, Mary Kate Donais, Marcia F Mesko, Dominic J. Hare
Four expert spectroscopists each select a game-changing paper - and highlight its impact on the wider field or their own research path
01/24/2019 | Roy Goodacre
The use of songs in the auditorium can make learning more engaging, believes Roy Goodacre.
01/24/2019 | Joanna Cummings
This year’s Pittcon will be covering the hottest of topics, including epigenetics, automation, nanomaterials and cannabis analysis.
01/17/2019 | Victoria Samanidou
Doesn’t chromatography – or at least analytical chemistry – deserve a place among the days of international celebration?
01/17/2019 | Karen Esmonde-White
The keynote speech at SciX 2018 highlighted the importance of scientific conferences in keeping analytical science relevant to the wider world.
01/07/2019 | Rina Dukor
What can we as individuals – and members of professional societies – do to promote gender diversity at conferences?
01/07/2019 | Jaap de Zeeuw
Very few students get hands-on experience with a working gas chromatography system. I believe robust software tools are the next best thing.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond