Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
05/18/2015 | Jose Almirall
Hair analysis has been spectacularly debunked as “pseudoscience” – what now?
01/19/2015 | John DeHaan, Gareth S. Dobson, David Matthew
Leveraging technology solutions to support rather than replace dogs in arson investigations.
12/15/2014 | Bob Blackledge
Will the future see crime scene investigators collecting nasal swabs or rinses from deceased victims to identify the assailant? In a word: yes.
11/25/2014 | Paul Haddad
I’ve been running analytical chemistry research groups with military precision for decades. Over that time, I’ve had the good fortune to work with the brightest minds in the field on the most rewarding and exciting projects.
10/17/2014 | Stephanie Vine
How to put instant blood identification and age estimation into the hands of forensic investigators
04/30/2014 | Rich Whitworth
Agilent Technology’s Markets and Applications Programs – MAPs for short – connect you to a growing network of expertise to provide working solutions for your analytical business.
02/24/2014 | Douwe de Boer, Herman Ram
Performance-enhancing drug expert Douwe de Boer goes toe-to-toe with the Dutch Doping Authority’s Herman Ram on the big issues in sports doping.
01/27/2014 | Rich Whitworth
The Windy City is set to welcome “the world’s largest annual premier conference and exposition on laboratory science”, but are you prepared? Here, we look at historical attendance trends and offer our top picks.
01/26/2014 | Sponsored by Ocean Optics
Biodiesel can be used in most diesel engines with little to no engine modification required, and can be blended with petroleum diesel fuel to provide a cleaner burning, lower emission diesel fuel.
01/26/2014 | Rich Whitworth
GC-MS shows that high status Egyptians used exotic balms to mummify food for a slap-up meal in the after life
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond