Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
11/09/2016 | George Vasmatzis
Mate pair sequencing could well be the best tool for characterizing tumors
11/09/2016 | Harold McNair
Harold McNair shares some of his favorite stories about several pioneers he has worked with.
11/09/2016 | Hans-Gerd Janssen
VUV detection for gas chromatography - how does it fare in real-world applications in industry?
11/09/2016 | Pratik Jagtap
Exploration of the ‘second genome’ could transform health – and robust analytical methods are key.
11/09/2016 | Simon Nelms
Simon Nelms considers advances in trace elemental analysis and their impact on the beverage industry
11/09/2016 | Joanna Cummings
Can genomics connect the dots between the Black Death and Europe’s Great Plagues?
10/13/2016 | Rich Whitworth
Emily Hilder, Director, Future Industries Institute (FII), University of South Australia
The Power List 2016: Meet the women shaping the future of analytical science.
10/12/2016 | Art Fitchett
How a string of innovations have made ion chromatography a beverage analysis workhorse
10/12/2016 | Mohamed Hamad
Then and Now, with Mohamed Hamad, Director, Food Chemistry & Nutrition, Microbac Laboratories
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond