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Fields & Applications

Fields & Applications Proteomics

Toward Integrative Omics

| Amanda Hummon

Cancer is incredibly complex, posing enormous challenges beyond the biological field. Taking a multi-omic approach can help us make sense of this diverse set of diseases – and, ultimately, allow us to better understand ourselves as human beings.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Ten Ways to... Control Rheology by Changing Particle Properties

The newest addition to the popular ‘10 ways to…’ series of educational papers provides practical guidance on developing high performance suspension products with enhanced consumer appeal. ‘10 ways to...control rheology by changing particle properties’ explores how controlling particle characteristics, such as particle size distribution, concentration and zeta potential, enables formulators to engineer suspension performance. Suspensions are used in the formulation of a wide range of every day products from medicines, drinks and foodstuffs to paints, inks and coatings. This paper is therefore valuable to formulators working across a wide range of industries.

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Core Collaborator

| Jessica Prenni

Sitting Down With... Jessica Prenni, Director of Research Core Facilities, Director of Proteomics & Metabolomics Facility, Colorado State University, USA.

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

Image of the Month

| Joanna Cummings

Researchers at the Dresden University of Technology can now determine the sex of a chicken before it hatches – in under a minute.

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

The Lungs of Babes

| Joanna Cummings

Near-infrared spectroscopy may allow non-invasive monitoring of premature babies

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Baited Breath

| Joanna Cummings

Using PTR-MS to track the chemistry of group emotion

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Identification of foreign particulate matter using the Morphologi G3-ID

The Morphologi G3-ID enables simultaneous physical and chemical characterization of particle samples, enabling outlier particles to be identified as being part of a product formulation or genuine foreign particle contaminants.

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

Beyond the ‘Old Boys Club’

| Ingeborg Petterson

It’s important to have women role models as a woman scientist, but men can be fantastic and supportive role models to women as well

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

On Balance

| Lisa Miller

Sharing examples of successful female researchers with young people will help to encourage more women to pursue science as a career

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

An Ongoing Effort

| Nicola Gaston

Sexism isn’t necessarily about bad people; it’s about bad judgments that are based on a cultural lack of understanding

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