Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
08/11/2017 | James Martin
James Martin, Director of Scientific Research at Sotheby's, shares the beauty of art analysis
08/11/2017 | Mark Viant, Iain Mylchreest
How Thermo Fisher is supporting the University of Birmingham's metabolomics research program
08/11/2017 | Lloyd Snyder, Frank Svec, Robert Stevenson
Collecting the human stories of key figures in separation science
08/11/2017 | Charlotte Barker
Meet Envirobot, a robotic eel that swims through contaminated water to find the source of pollution
08/11/2017 | Joanna Cummings
HPLC helps uncover earliest evidence of plant-based dyeing and an Iron Age elite
We let you know what’s going on in the business world of analytical science.
A combination of nanoLC and electrospray ionization could help save the whales
08/11/2017 | Michael Schubert
New tests can speed up diagnosis of severe sepsis, ensuring patients get timely treatment
08/11/2017 | Andres Martinez
When developing point-of-care diagnostics for resource-limited settings, paper has a lot to offer
08/11/2017 | Anthony Stender
Finding a postdoc position can be a gruelling process. How do you weather the storm?
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond