Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
07/22/2022 | Peter Zipfell | 3 min read
Laboratories must find new ways to simplify operations, integrate instruments and techniques, and automate workflows
07/20/2022 | Margot Lespade | 2 min read
How a two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D-LC) method promises to differentiate industrial hemp strains
07/19/2022 | Margot Lespade | 5 min read
The most exciting development in spectroscopy today? For Jean-Francois Masson, it’s point-of-need devices and the field of optophysiology.
07/15/2022 | Gerard Rozing | 11 min read
Has capillary electrophoresis met the lofty expectations set by its early pioneers 40 years ago?
07/14/2022 | James Strachan | 5 min read
Combining fluorescence microscopy with flow cytometry to sort cells based on visual characteristics
07/13/2022 | Margot Lespade | 18 min read
We catch up with our 2018 finalists to find out how their careers have progressed, what excites them about current research, and where they’re heading
07/12/2022 | Anonymous | 3 min read
In response to Victoria’s piece on citation ethics, an anonymous reader wrote in to share their experiences with what they called “abusive” reviewers
07/08/2022 | James Strachan | 2 min read
How water cluster SIMS can differentiate between ingested and non-ingested cocaine on a person’s fingertips
07/07/2022 | Margot Lespade | 4 min read
We catch up with 2018 Power Lister Danilo Sciarrone to explore the impact of COVID-19, the joys of teaching, and essential oils characterization
07/06/2022 | Lauren Robertson | 5 min read
A non-invasive, tear-based diagnostic, insights into a working cloud lab, and how putting SARS-CoV-2 on a diet could help combat infection
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond