Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
11/24/2021 | Lauren Robertson
Could NASA’s Roman telescope help scientists answer some of the most perplexing questions about the universe?
11/22/2021 | Lauren Robertson
Roy Goodacre talks about the biggest breakthroughs in the field, the instrument he couldn’t live without, and what he’d be doing in another life...
11/18/2021 | Lauren Robertson
Four gurus of environmental analysis discuss current challenges and try to imagine how the world might look through our (grand)children’s eyes.
11/17/2021 | James Strachan
A snapshot of recent research into plastic particles, which have recently been found in the bloodstreams of farm animals for the first time
11/16/2021 | James Strachan, Lauren Robertson
We Sit Down With Diana S. Aga, Henry M. Woodburn Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry, University at Buffalo, USA
11/09/2021 | Timothy Garrett
Could metabolomics provide any insight into the post-COVID conditions? Timothy Garrett wants to find out...
11/08/2021 | Lutgarde Buydens
EuroFAST2022 will bring together researchers from different disciplines of analytical science all working on similar societal problems
11/05/2021 | Rick Yost
Rick Yost reveals his top 10 MS innovations of the last five decades
Highlighting 50 years of MS developments
Jaap de Zeeuw gives us an update on his "GC in Your Laptop"
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond