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Liquid Chromatography

Fields & Applications Technology

Suppressed Excitement

| Sebastiaan Eeltink, Sam Wouters

New microfluidic membrane suppressor technology wins the prestigious Solvay Award

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Image of the Month

| Joanna Cummings

The oldest cheese ever discovered has been found in an ancient tomb

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

No Sex Please, We’re Copperheads!

| Joanna Cummings

Mass spec “venomics” analyzes the deadliness of asexually produced snakes

Techniques & Tools Pharma & Biopharma

Toward Better Biotherapeutics

| Alexandre Goyon

The evolution of UHPLC, and how to streamline separations for complex biotherapeutics

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Your Efficiency Challenge – Part II

| Sponsored by Agilent Technologies

Here, we present select results from the “Efficiency Challenge” survey ¬ and consult our efficiency experts

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Singapore’s “SLING”

The four members of SLING discuss the growing importance and impact of lipidomics

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

A Picture of Health?

Lipids are a crucial and complex component of the ‘omics’ puzzle

Techniques & Tools Proteomics

Perfecting Proteomic Separations

| Sponsored by Pharma Fluidics

Kris Gevaert and Francis Impens, from Ghent University and the VIB Proteomics Core, tell us how PharmaFluidics’ μPAC can expedite routine analysis

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Life in The Fat Lane

A mass spec expert, a biomedical researcher and an interdisciplinary team give us the lipidomics lowdown

Techniques & Tools Environmental

A Closer Look at the Bigger Picture

| Guilherme L. Alexandrino, Josephine Lübeck and Jan. H. Christensen

How a pixel-based approach can define the unique chemical fingerprint of a complex environmental sample

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