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Liquid Chromatography

Techniques & Tools Forensics

Narco Polo

| Joanna Cummings

A new 20-minute method using 2D-LC homes in on traces of illegal drugs

Fields & Applications Liquid Chromatography

NoBody’s Fool

| Joanna Cummings

Advanced mass spectrometry uncovers a tiny protein with important implications

Techniques & Tools Micro/Nano-scale

MSB: Small Scale, Big Impact

| Rawi Ramautar, Govert Somsen

MSB 2017 highlights cutting-edge research at the frontier of microscale separation science

Fields & Applications Liquid Chromatography

Purple’s Reign

| Joanna Cummings

The sophisticated chemistry behind a simple – yet infectiously popular – purple dye

Techniques & Tools Gas Chromatography

Quo Vadis, Capillary Gas Chromatography?

| Pat Sandra, Koen Sandra, Frank David

Personal opinions on CGC based on 30 years of service to the industry.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

New Year, New Faces, New Hopes, Age-old Challenges

| Rich Whitworth

What lies in store for analytical science in 2017?

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Cytometry, Superconductivity and SOPs

| Marcus Lippold

Products, partnerships, investments - what’s going on in the analytical science business world

Business & Education Sample Preparation

Protein measurements with the Zetasizer µV

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

This application note describes a selection of measurements made on a GE AKTA basic system.

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

Performance of Polymer Solutions for Enhanced Oil Recovery

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

In this article we take an introductory look at work carried out by TU Clausthal to develop an improved understanding of the mechanisms of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) by polymer flooding, and the relevance of fluid rheology. Example data illustrates the insight that rheology provides and its application in optimizing fluid performance.

Fields & Applications Liquid Chromatography

Analytical Island in the Sun

| Luigi Mondello

Luigi Mondello and colleagues come together to share the success story behind the Messina Group

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