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Techniques & Tools Technology

ZipChips and LIGHTNIRS

Two innovations that stood out from the crowd at Pittcon 2016

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

High Hopes

| Joanna Cummings

Can infrared absorption and Raman spectroscopy keep pace with clandestine chemists?

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

Viscotek SEC-MALS 20 to measure protein aggregation

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

In this application note, a selection of proteins are separated using Size Exclusion Chromatograpghy (SEC). The molecular weights of their oligomers and aggregates are measured by SEC-MALS and the results discussed.

Techniques & Tools Forensics

Forensic Myths and Methods

| Glen Jackson, Christopher Palenik

Don your purple nitrile gloves and grab a swab or two, as we delve into the realities of crime scene investigation.

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

Not Spoiling the (Biopharma) Broth

| Dörte Solle

Can sophisticated spectroscopic sensors streamline bioprocess monitoring to better meet FDA standards?

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Ahead of the Curve

| Joanna Cummings

Are wasp-inspired needles the neurosurgery of the future?

Techniques & Tools Data Analysis

Defying the Data Tsunami

| Lutgarde Buydens

We talk to Lutgarde Buydens, Professor Analytical Chemistry: Chemometrics, Radboud University

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Gurus of Raman Spectroscopy

| Volker Deckert, Duncan Graham

In the light of a disruptive new paper, four experts discuss the future of Raman spectroscopy

Techniques & Tools Metabolomics & Lipidomics

Waste Not, Want Not

| Julien Wist, Elaine Holmes

Isn't it time to share resources to open up more opportunities for metabolic profiling?

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Georgia (and Pittcon) On My Mind

| Joanna Cummings

Get the most out of Pittcon, Atlanta with our top picks from the sessions.

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