Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
05/24/2016 | Nicola Gaston
Sexism isn’t necessarily about bad people; it’s about bad judgments that are based on a cultural lack of understanding
05/24/2016 | Mary Kate Donais
If you find you’re not in a supportive environment with the specific people that you work with, find another one
05/24/2016 | Heather Brooke
Women who are already in STEM careers simply need to be more visible
05/24/2016 | Ellen Miseo
Keep your eyes and ears open, because a lot of discrimination is subtle.
05/23/2016 | Joanna Cummings
Is (analytical) science still sexist? Six chemists contemplate the ‘glass ceiling’ for women in science: does it exist and if so, can it be broken?
05/23/2016 | Yannick Weesepoel
H2020 wanted to put food authentication into the hands of the consumer. What impact will the outcome have on our field?
04/18/2016 | Frank Bright
Sitting Down With... Frank Bright, Henry M. Woodburn Chair and SUNY Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry, University at Buffalo, New York.
04/18/2016 | Tim Causon
Why old technology or ideas still have a part to play when it comes to advancing analytical techniques.
04/18/2016 | Michèle Lees
Developing an effective strategy to combat food fraud can be challenging; it means thinking on your feet and staying ahead of the game.
04/18/2016 | Joanna Cummings
The co-inventor of flow injection analysis is awarded the newly reinaugurated Talanta Medal
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond