Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
02/18/2016 | Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical
Triple detection GPC/SEC combines measurements from multiple detectors to offer not only increased amounts of data, but also increased amounts of information, which is made available by the combination of different detectors (and unobtainable using individual detectors separately). The theory of triple detection GPC/SEC is described here.
This application note describes the analyses of a variety of aqueous (water-soluble) cellulose derivatives using the OMNISEC triple detection system and the subtle, yet distinct differences between these different derivatives that can be parsed out by the OMNISEC system
In this application note, molecular weight data from the Viscotek SEC-MALS 20 is combined with measurements of Rg and IV to study the structure of different polysaccharides including pullulan, dextran, hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), pectin and gum Arabic. The differences between conformation and Mark-Houwink plots are also studied.
The investigative power of multiple detectors. Here, we describe the analysis of a semi-purified protein mixture containing β-amylase. Step-by-step, we show how different properties of the proteins elicit a specific response in each detector and how coupling this data can be qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated.
02/04/2016 | Yvette Mattley
Compact Spark spectral sensor measures Vis-NIR absorbance of hemoglobin – and more
02/04/2016 | F. Scott Anderson
F. Scott Anderson, a staff scientist at the Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, Colorado, USA, discusses the potential of in-situ resonance ionization mass spectrometry for understanding the age of planetary bodies.
02/04/2016 | Roger Wiens
Scientists who are dissatisfied with the analysis of samples from our blue planet look to the stars
02/03/2016 | Sergei Kazarian
The analytical world in general has yet to appreciate the power of FTIR spectroscopic imaging for process analysis. Here’s why it should be in your toolkit.
02/03/2016 | Tak Sing Wong
Can a new slippery surface for Raman scattering open the door to routine single molecule detection?
Usually, PLA and PLGA are based on monomers from renewable sources, so are considered “green” polymers. By selecting different molecular weights, different ratios of lactic:glycolic acid and different molecular structures, some properties such as degradation or drug release rates can be tailored to meet application needs. GPC/SEC analysis is an ideal tool for monitoring samples during material synthesis, production of parts and in degradation studies.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond