Proteomic music from biological noise
Improvement of sensitivity and comprehensiveness of proteomic analyses using a novel FAIMS Pro interface
sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Discovery proteomics, translational research, and precision medicine perform global proteome profiling of large sample sets to identify putative protein and/or peptide biomarkers across different biological conditions. In this webinar Dr. Pierre Thibault will present a simple, new step to their existing workflow with the addition of a novel gas phase ion fractionation device to increase proteome coverage and confidence in global proteome profiling. This study will highlight the advantages of the Thermo Scientific™ FAIMS Pro™ device in quantitative proteomics using SILAC and TMT labelling to improve the accuracy, precision, and comprehensiveness of quantitative measurements.
November 7, 2019
8am PST, 4pm GMT
Learning Objectives of Webinar
- Improving proteomic data quality using differential ion mobility.
- Increasing proteome profiling with next generation FAIMS ion mobility technology.
- Succeeding at quantitative proteomic workflows using a FAIMS Pro interface.
Who should attend
Researchers, Lab technicians and Directors including:
- Improving proteomic data quality using differential ion mobility.
- Increasing proteome profiling with next generation FAIMS ion mobility technology.
- Succeeding at quantitative proteomic workflows using a FAIMS Pro interface.