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App Notes

Results 381–390 of 1416

Trace-level analysis of VOCs in a tomato product using headspace extraction with large volume preconcentration (LVP) and multi-step enrichment (MSE)

| Contributed by Markes International Ltd

Trace-level analysis of VOCs in a tomato product using headspace extraction with large volume preconcentration (LVP) and multi-step enrichment (MSE).

Empore™ SDB-XC SPE Disks are Combined with the Empore™ EZ-Trace Extraction System to Extract SVOCs in Water using EPA Method 525.3

| Contributed by CDS

CDS EmporeTM EZ-Trace is an extraction system allowing for simultaneous extractions and significantly reducing preparation time of multiple samples.

USDA[1] compliant testing of the total THC content in hemp (< 0.3% THC)

| Contributed by CAMAG

This app note is suitable for compliance testing of industrial hemp with the USDA rule for “Establishment of a Domestic Hemp Production Program”.

Online native HIC-MS analysis of cys-linked ADCs

| Contributed by YMC

The DAR of the SigmaMAb ADC-mimic was determined using YMC’s BioPro HIC BF column and a nanospray ionisation MS.

Extraction of a Drugs of Abuse Panel from Human Urine Using Biotage® Mikro CX SPE Microelution Plates Prior to UPLC-MS/MS Analysis

| Contributed by Biotage

This app note describes the extraction of mulitple drugs of abuse from human urine using Biotage® Mikro CX microelutionplates, prior to LC/MS analysis

Quantitation of residual solvents and terpenes in cannabis products – a combined approach

| Contributed by SepSolve Analytical

This study describes a combined approach for fast, targeted screening of residual solvents and key terpenes

Acrodisc One™ Syringe Filters Compared to Low Cost Hydrophilic PTFE Syringe Filters

| Contributed by Pall

In many laboratories, laboratory managers and technicians need to ensure their instruments are performing optimally around the clock.

Evaluation of fruit quality using GC–TOF MS and innovative chemometrics

| Contributed by SepSolve Analytical

Quality management enables the food and beverage industry to meet consumer expectations and maintain brand reputation and product safety.

Easy-to-learn workflows for quality control of essential oils

| Contributed by SepSolve Analytical

Robust QC of essential oils is required to ensure purity or authenticity, prevent adulteration and maintain consistent levels of quality and safety.

Fields & Applications Polymers

Weather-Induced Degradation Study of High Density Polyethylene Using the Photoprobe

| Contributed by CDS

Three mechanisms of polymer degradation have been known as enzymatic, hydrolytic and oxidative

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