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Content by James Strachan:

Business & Education Education

Lessons We’ve Learned from Harold McNair (1933–2021)

| James Strachan

Past students, colleagues and friends distil the essential lessons they’ve learned – from teaching, to networking, to life itself – from Harold McNair

Fields & Applications Environmental

Microplastics: Concern Accumulates

| James Strachan

A snapshot of recent research into plastic particles, which have recently been found in the bloodstreams of farm animals for the first time

Business & Education Environmental

The Chemical Custodian: Diana Aga

| James Strachan, Lauren Robertson

We Sit Down With Diana S. Aga, Henry M. Woodburn Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry, University at Buffalo, USA

Fields & Applications Metabolomics & Lipidomics

Popular Reflections: The Rise and Rise of Metabolomics

| James Strachan

In 2018, Martin Giera, Mary E. Spilker and Gary Siuzdak shared their love of a special field in “Metabolomics: the Superglue of Omics”

Fields & Applications Translational Science

The Cortex-Characterizing Consortium

| James Strachan

The primary motor cortex has up to 116 different types of cells according to single-cell RNA sequencing

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

Breath Analysis with a (Very) Fine Toothed Comb

| James Strachan

Mid-infrared cavity-enhanced direct-frequency comb spectroscopy (CE-DFCS) simultaneously detects and monitors four health biomarkers in breath

Techniques & Tools Business

Final Call for Innovation Awards Nominations

| James Strachan

Nominations for The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards will close on November 11. Nominate now!

Techniques & Tools Pharma & Biopharma

Raman Spectroscopy Predicts Immunotherapy Response

| James Strachan

Immunotherapy unmasked: Raman spectroscopy combined with machine learning predicts non-responders to immunotherapy

Techniques & Tools Gas Chromatography

Popular Reflections: Is Chromatography Still Losing the War?

| James Strachan

Hans-Gerd Janssen argued that other techniques are beating chromatography to the hero’s reward. Has best-in-class triumphed over fit-for-purpose?

Business & Education Education

The Power List Slam: Spotlight on the Future

| James Strachan, Lauren Robertson

We invited a handful of early career researchers to tell us about their work. Join us as we celebrate the potential Power Listers of the future!

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