Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
05/30/2020 | Lauren Robertson
GCIB-SIMS catches elusive clusters of enzymes in action
05/28/2020 | Lauren Robertson
X-ray analysis of artefacts recovered from Henry VIII’s favored warship reveals surprising details about armor production and conservation efforts
05/25/2020 | Lauren Robertson
Using an X-ray-sensitive lanthanide-binding tag (LBT), scientists have demonstrated a new technique for imaging proteins in 3D at nanoscale resolution
05/23/2020 | Lauren Robertson
Bone proteomics could help investigators get to the bottom of drowning deaths
05/12/2020 | Lauren Robertson
Quantifying published coronavirus research since 2002
05/09/2020 | Lauren Robertson
A round-up of this month’s business news, from COVID-19 testing to new product launches
05/06/2020 | Lauren Robertson
The 170-year-old mystery behind the first color photographs has been solved
04/30/2020 | Lauren Robertson
Traces of protein have been found in space – for the first time
Say hello to Eurythenes plasticus, the new face of the plastics crisis
04/23/2020 | Lauren Robertson
Paleoproteomics reveals the oldest human genetic evidence for our last common ancestor
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond