Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
11/13/2020 | Lauren Robertson
Devin Swiner, co-founder of the #BlackInChem campaign, explores the power of social media and describes the aims of the initiative
11/12/2020 | Lauren Robertson
Renã Robinson tells us about her role as President Elect of NOBCChE, and why advocates are vital to ensuring true representation in the field
11/11/2020 | Lauren Robertson
The co-founders of the Coalition of Black Mass Spectrometrists (CBM) tell us how they've provided a much-needed space for discussion around racism
Isiah Warner discusses the value of mentors to Black analytical chemists, and shares his own journey to the top of the field
11/09/2020 | Lauren Robertson
How art analysis is uncovering the truth behind Russian avant-garde paintings
11/02/2020 | Lauren Robertson
We sit down with Paul Mayewski - internationally acclaimed glaciologist, climate scientist and polar explorer...
10/30/2020 | Lauren Robertson
Have we overlooked the role of asphalt as a source of air pollution precursors in urban environments?
10/19/2020 | Lauren Robertson
A small selection of numbers from our 2020 Power List
10/13/2020 | Lauren Robertson
Researchers have found evidence of ancient star explosions in deep-sea sediments
10/12/2020 | Lauren Robertson
A new single-molecule microscopy technique lets researchers see lipid membranes in unique detail
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond