Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
11/30/2021 | Lauren Robertson
NMR spectroscopy could help scientists in the fight against antifungal resistance
11/25/2021 | Lauren Robertson
It’s easy to feel disillusioned about the state of our planet, but there is still plenty we can (and must) do to protect it
11/18/2021 | Lauren Robertson
Four gurus of environmental analysis discuss current challenges and try to imagine how the world might look through our (grand)children’s eyes.
11/17/2021 | James Strachan
A snapshot of recent research into plastic particles, which have recently been found in the bloodstreams of farm animals for the first time
11/16/2021 | James Strachan, Lauren Robertson
We Sit Down With Diana S. Aga, Henry M. Woodburn Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry, University at Buffalo, USA
11/08/2021 | Lutgarde Buydens
EuroFAST2022 will bring together researchers from different disciplines of analytical science all working on similar societal problems
09/30/2021 | James Strachan
Silvio Vaz Junior discusses his new book, Analysis of Chemical Residues in Agriculture, and offers advice for those considering life as an author
08/18/2021 | Lourdes Ramos
Could (NA)DES help the field deliver on the 2013 Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) principles?
06/11/2021 | Matt Hallam
Bald eagles started dropping from the skies across America in the mid-to-late 90s - now we know why
04/14/2021 | Lauren Robertson
COVID-19 has shown we can rapidly respond to a crisis - we now need to apply this same vigor to saving our planet
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond