Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
06/10/2019 | Matt Hallam
Characterization of algal light-harvesting protein complexes could help improve solar energy systems.
04/30/2019 | Susan Richardson
DBPs – disinfection by-products – could pose an underestimated threat to our health, wildlife, and environment.
04/30/2019 | Silvio Vaz Jr.
Can modern analytical technologies monitor and control the fate of emerging pollutants?
04/17/2019 | Victoria Samanidou
Analytical chemists can help facilitate "greener" chemical analysis of organic compounds.
04/10/2019 | Joanna Cummings
According to Kermit, it’s not easy being green. But new research on the amphibian microbiome could help improve frog health.
03/06/2019 | Charlotte Barker
LC-MS reveals how tiny predators terrify their plankton prey with chemical signals.
02/13/2019 | Joanna Cummings
A new version of the periodic table shows the elements under threat.
02/12/2019 | Pablo Richter
How analytical science has a key role to play in developing the economy of the future.
02/06/2019 | Joanna Cummings
Tiny tracking system highlights the negative effect of pesticides on bee colonies.
02/05/2019 | Joanna Cummings
Analyzing the pollutants permeating polar bear blood.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond