Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
01/30/2021 | Matt Hallam, Claire Eyers, Gary Siuzdak, Michal Holcapek, Alejandro Cifuentes
Thought leaders from four different omics disciplines share their insight
01/29/2021 | Lauren Robertson
A group of researchers are diving into the metabolomics behind coral bleaching
10/02/2020 | Peter W. Lindenburg, André van Roon
Environmental metabolomics is contributing to a better understanding of nature
08/29/2020 | Lauren Robertson
A new NMR spectroscopy system could help researchers get to grips with the metabolome
05/30/2020 | Lauren Robertson
GCIB-SIMS catches elusive clusters of enzymes in action
05/05/2020 | Michael Schubert
Fibromyalgia’s “metabolic fingerprint” may lead the way to definitive diagnosis
01/24/2020 | Sponsored by YMC
Novel column technologies from YMC make use of alternative analytical conditions to enable faster and more sensitive analysis of biological materials.
12/11/2019 | Lutgarde Buydens, Jonathan James
We grill four champions of chemometrics on the progress – and pitfalls – of this rapidly evolving field
Sitting Down With… Livia Eberlin, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA
10/04/2019 | Gary Siuzdak
Tandem MS identification as the 21st century standard for small molecule and metabolite identification.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond