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Fields & Applications

Fields & Applications Pharma & Biopharma

The S-Word and US Research

| Bill Kelly

What short- and long-term impact will sequestration have on the US scientific community?

Fields & Applications Micro/Nano-scale

Excitement on the Smallest Scale

| Steve Carrington

Microrheology is in its early stages, but it has the potential to expand the range and enhance the application of rheological characterization.

Fields & Applications Chemical

Talking of Heritage...

| Rich Whitworth

Recording the impact of chemistry on society, the Chemical Heritage Foundation's participation in Pittcon adds valuable, historical depth.

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Spot On

| Sangeeta Tanna, Graham Lawson

Dried Blood Spot (DBS) sampling is being adopted in drug development, paediatric healthcare, and, more recently, patient compliance.

Fields & Applications

Is Industrial Research the New Gold Standard?

| Richard Gallagher

Considered for so long to be the poor relation to academia, industry researchers may well represent the best of science.

Fields & Applications Clinical

Why We Do What We Do

| Richard Gallagher

Analytical scientists love what they do and see the field to be the very foundation of good science.

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Saccharide and Polysaccharide Analysis

| Sponsored by PSS

New column offers significant performance improvements in saccharide and polysaccharide analysis.

Fields & Applications Pharma & Biopharma

Bringing The Market to Science

| Richard Gallagher

Sitting Down With Elizabeth Iorns, CEO of Science Exchange.

Fields & Applications Genomics & DNA Analysis

DNA Horse Play

| Rich Whitworth

The horsemeat scandal has damaged customer confidence and raised food analysis awareness.

Fields & Applications Clinical

Coaching as a Leadership Tool

| Janice Manzi Sabatine

Increase your influence by listening actively and asking probing, powerful questions.

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