Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
11/19/2013 | Richard Gallagher
Sitting Down with Sue Lunte, Ralph N. Adams Institute for Bioanalytical Chemistry, Departments of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Kansas, USA.
11/18/2013 | Imre Molnár
Incorporating updated analytical methods and approaches into pharmacopoeias – the bibles of pharmaceutical standards – would save a great deal of time and money.
11/15/2013 | Rich Whitworth
AstraZeneca joins forces with Labcyte to develop acoustic dispensing system for mass spectrometry
09/09/2013 | Sponsored by VWR
The ChromasterUltra Rs together with LaChrom Ultra II high resolution column delivers excellent performance for the separation of similar compounds.
09/09/2013 | Simon Kiddle, Hilary van der Hoff
The centuries-old European patent system is adapting to keep pace with personalized medicine.
07/24/2013 | E. Neil Lewis
To meet the biopharmaceutical industry’s need for improved analytical solutions, Malvern has developed a new approach.
06/10/2013 | Rich Whitworth, Frank van Geel
WADA is on a mission to rid sports of substances that impart an unfair advantage.
06/10/2013 | Richard Gallagher
Sitting Down With Georges Guiochon, Professor and Distinguished Scientist of Analytical Chemistry at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
05/15/2013 | Neil Spooner, Paul Abu-Rabie
Advantages of dried blood spot (DBS) analysis for the pharmaceutical industry abound yet analytical and ... regulatory challenges are hindering widespread uptake. Here, two leading proponents of the approach discuss what can be done to overcome the barriers to its implementation.
05/14/2013 | Bert Ooms
Dried blood spot analysis is a useful, but not yet perfect, technique.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond