Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
07/04/2018 | Joanna Cummings
Russian scientists have developed a new flying gas chromatograph.
07/04/2018 | Charlotte Barker
What new tech did vendors unveil at the year’s biggest mass spectrometry conference?
Business in brief: What’s going on in analytical science?
Researchers develop a generic and potentially inexpensive method of separating chiral molecules using magnets
A robotic arm takes mass spec analysis of 3D objects to the next level
Levels of ozone-depleting CFCs are on the rise – despite a global ban
Metaproteomics study throws doubt on Chekhov’s cause of death – and paves the way for future cultural heritage analysis
“River horse” waste spells death by defecation for Kenyan fish
Curiosity is a fundamental trait of all scientists, believes Editor Charlotte Barker – but it must be nurtured
06/08/2018 | Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Streamlined workflows help scientists plot a course for painless peptide mapping
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond