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Data Analysis

Fields & Applications Data Analysis

Towards Tsunami-Resistant Chemometrics

| Lutgarde Buydens

Despite a fall from grace in recent years, chemometrics has a key role to play in the interpretation of mega-variate datasets.

Techniques & Tools Data Analysis

Use the 99 Percent

| Rich Whitworth

Can 900 million Android devices save the world while their owners sleep?

Techniques & Tools Data Analysis

Comment Is King

| Rich Whitworth

The discussion thread on an opinion article on chemometrics has been incredibly insightful – and spurred our commissioning strategy.

Techniques & Tools Technology

Open Your Science

| Mark Hahnel

Academia is fundamentally broken. You’re wasting your time producing data that will never be published because the scientist down the hall didn’t publish it either. Why aren’t we more concerned?

Techniques & Tools Technology

Open Science

| Rich Whitworth

Founded by frustrated student Mark Hahnel in 2011, figshare has blossomed to offer a cloud-based publishing solution to otherwise wasted research outputs

Fields & Applications Data Analysis

Toying with Athletes

| Rich Whitworth, Frank van Geel

WADA is on a mission to rid sports of substances that impart an unfair advantage.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Non-Targeted is Our Target

| Hans Mol

Full-scan mass spectrometry is about to transform the way that we do analyses ... Here, I describe the possibilities for non-targeted analysis that are opened up by recent improvements in instrumentation, compare the new approach to today’s best (targeted) practice, and look for solutions to the bottlenecks that are hindering widespread adoption of non-targeted analysis.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Instrumental to Success

| Steve Cohen

An illustration of how working with customers throughout development increases the effectiveness of ... new products.

Techniques & Tools Data Analysis

Yes, We Have a Quality Manager

| Peter Kootstra

Why lab SOPs are cumbersome and often ignored, and what can be done to improve them ...

Techniques & Tools Technology

Digital Versatile DNA

| Rich Whitworth

Can deoxyribonucleic acid solve our spiralling digital data archive conundrum? Hard disc drive space is now ... measured in terabytes not megabytes. And yet still we run out of space – or money.

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