Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
12/10/2015 | Thomas Jocks
Can multi-angle light scattering aid in the characterization of proteins and antibody drug conjugates?
12/10/2015 | James Strachan
Could carbon nanotubes hold the key to real-time, portable testing for meat freshness?
A new LC-MS/MS screening method simultaneously detects a wide range of non-banned potentially performance enhancing drugs and masking agents in urine
11/17/2015 | Pat Sandra, Peter Schoenmakers
Selecting “the paper of the year” is by definition subjective and very personal.
11/17/2015 | Ryan Sasaki
Can R&D organizations really afford to kill off analytical data that could be used for future decision-making? Perhaps it’s time to breathe life back into analytical data environments.
11/16/2015 | Nicholas Snow
The juxtaposition of simplicity through new technology with complexity in the chemistry keeps gas chromatographic method development exciting – despite GC being described by many as a “mature” technique. But are we still using packed-column thinking?
11/16/2015 | Martin Gilar , Peter Griffiths
Just imagine how many analytical problems would be solved if we could increase the resolution of liquid chromatography (LC) from hundreds to thousands or perhaps a hundred thousand compounds?
11/16/2015 | Rob Haselberg
Online hyphenation of capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry is nearly 30 years old, but has been ignored in certain camps. It’s time to give CE-MS a chance.
11/16/2015 | Davy Guillarme, Hans-Gerd Janssen
We ask an impossible question as 2015 comes to a close: which piece of literature stood out from the crowd
11/16/2015 | Rich Whitworth
Is the heat applied in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry really responsible for false results? And, if so, how often?
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond