Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
08/17/2015 | Lisa Holland, Vince Remcho, Susan D. Richardson, Vicki Blazer
Presenting new considerations to evaluate drinking water.
08/17/2015 | Martin Rose
Legacy flame retardants (FRs), emerging FRs and dioxins are all infiltrating our environment. How are they linked and how should we assess their impact on human and environmental health?
08/14/2015 | Stephanie Vine
Could a new nanofabricated surface lower the limit of detection – and remove the need for matrix – with existing MALDI MS instrumentation?
No confirmed sightings. No little green men. Still hope...
07/20/2015 | Michael Lämmerhofer
Hyphenated chromatography techniques enable the selection of representative biomarkers of oxidative stress – and help resolve the huge complexity of lipid oxidation products.
07/20/2015 | Philip Marriott
Are today’s ‘blue sky’ instrumental techniques tomorrow’s industry standard?
07/17/2015 | Rich Whitworth
Lawrence (Larry) Lesko is a bioanalytical veteran with many years of academic and FDA experience. Now, as director of the University of Florida’s Center for Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology, Larry uses metabolomics to discover biomarkers of drug toxicity.
07/17/2015 | Hans Griesinger, Michael Schulz
TLC-MS is here and still evolving – continual advances in coupling techniques and ambient mass spectrometry are giving rise to a renaissance. Here, we share the most promising techniques and open your eyes to the powerful – and flexible – combinations of TLC and MS.
Sitting Down With... Barry Karger, James L. Waters Chair in Analytical Chemistry and Barnett Institute Director at Northeastern University, Massachusetts, USA.
The top 10 reasons to consider an advanced multi-detector SEC system, which incorporates light scattering detectors for the measurement of absolute molecular weight and molecular weight distribution with excellent accuracy.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond