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Techniques & Tools

Techniques & Tools Business

Green Chemistry and Government Science

| Joanna Cummings

Business in brief: What’s going on in analytical science?

Techniques & Tools Chemical

Poles Apart

| Joanna Cummings

Researchers develop a generic and potentially inexpensive method of separating chiral molecules using magnets

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

The Future’s RoSA

| Joanna Cummings

A robotic arm takes mass spec analysis of 3D objects to the next level

Techniques & Tools Environmental

CFC What Happens

| Joanna Cummings

Levels of ozone-depleting CFCs are on the rise – despite a global ban

Techniques & Tools Proteomics

TB on Your Collar

| Joanna Cummings

Metaproteomics study throws doubt on Chekhov’s cause of death – and paves the way for future cultural heritage analysis

Techniques & Tools Environmental

Hippo No-No!

| Joanna Cummings

“River horse” waste spells death by defecation for Kenyan fish

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Dream Small

| Milton Lee, Andrew Alpert, Yury Zelechonok

A wish come true for analytical scientists in the field? We profile the new breed of portable HPLC instruments.

Techniques & Tools Gas Chromatography

An Accidental Scientist

| Monika Dittmann

We Sit Down With Monika Dittmann, Principal Scientist, R&D Agilent Technologies, Germany.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Tricks of the Trade-Off

| Mary J. Wirth, Rachel E. Jacobson, Edwin Jhovany Alzate Rodriguez

The detailed characterization of post-translational protein modifications relies on performance improvements in both HPLC and MS. But how do we strike a balance between LC resolution and MS sensitivity?

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

An Underused Framework for Simpler Sample Prep?

| Victoria Samanidou

Victoria Samanidou presents her “MOF 101” and highlights how almost limitless configurations open up a wealth of opportunities to improve sample preparation.

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