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Techniques & Tools Data Analysis

Use the 99 Percent

| Rich Whitworth

Can 900 million Android devices save the world while their owners sleep?

Techniques & Tools Technology

Joined-Up Data?

| Rich Whitworth

Accelrys makes big claims for the new Experiment Knowledge Base. We look into who in the analytical sciences world might be interested, and what value might be derived from it.

Fields & Applications Technology

Creating and Analyzing Artificial Tissues

| Suwan Jayasinghe

Two tissue engineering technologies provide realistic in vivo facsimiles of disease for high-throughput drug analysis.

Techniques & Tools Technology

Open Your Science

| Mark Hahnel

Academia is fundamentally broken. You’re wasting your time producing data that will never be published because the scientist down the hall didn’t publish it either. Why aren’t we more concerned?

Techniques & Tools Technology

Open Science

| Rich Whitworth

Founded by frustrated student Mark Hahnel in 2011, figshare has blossomed to offer a cloud-based publishing solution to otherwise wasted research outputs

Techniques & Tools Clinical

Smarter Administration

| Rich Whitworth

The talk of TED but a few months ago, uChek, an iPhone-based urinalysis system, came almost immediately under fire from the FDA. There’s an app(roval) for that…

Techniques & Tools Technology

Designing for Discovery

| Gregory Weddle

Laboratory design can be conducive – or unconducive – to creativity and productivity. Can today’s lab layout and rationale, a legacy from 60 years ago, be improved upon? I say yes, and go back even further in the history of the laboratory for inspiration.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Smarter Smart Phones

| Rich Whitworth

A new biosensor cradle and app take us one step closer to portable and more universal analytical access. Researchers at the University of Illinois have developed a cradle accessory for the iPhone that aligns its integral camera with a series of optical components to analyze a primed slide.

Techniques & Tools Technology

Train for Success

| Bryan Tweedy, Stephanie Rizk

There’s a famous maxim known to staff of the American Chemical Society: if you leave out books at the National ... Meeting, they will all walk away. Chemists are addicted to learning and knowledge – it’s a lifelong obsession.

Techniques & Tools Proteomics

Immune System Chat Room

| Rich Whitworth

How hundreds of extracellular signaling proteins secreted during immune responses were ... discovered – and what it tells us about the whisperered conversations between cells

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