A new tool for more reliable and more detailed MOAH analysis: Gas Chromatography with Vacuum Ultraviolet detection (GC-VUV)
Hans-Gerd will describe how GC-VUV provides a new solution to MOSH / MOAH analytical challenges through its unique selectivity.
sponsored by VUV Analytics

Highly purified mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) are used in several food and cosmetic products. In these MOH materials low levels of (residual) Mineral oil Aromatic Hydrocarbons (MOAH) can be present. The quantification of these compounds is by no means trivial. All samples contain a vast excess of MOSH (Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons). The cause of these problems is often the use of non-selective analytical methods. Hans-Gerd will describe how GC-VUV provides a new solution to MOSH / MOAH analytical challenges through its unique selectivity.
Learning Objectives of Webinar
- Understand the importance of characterizing MOSH and MOAH compounds in food and cosmetic products.
- Learn about the analytical challenges common to the separation and quantification of MOSH and MOAH compounds.
- Gain insight into how the unique selectivity of GC-VUV enables the accurate identification and quantification of MOSH and MOAH compounds.