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Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Increasing productivity and getting more out of your ion analysis - Chris Shevlin

sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

December 4, 2019
8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm GMT

Increasing your productivity and streamlining your ion chromatography workflows is very important for today’s laboratories. For high-throughput laboratories getting most out of your analytical instrumentation is crucial. Also, streamlining ion analysis workflows and incorporating new technology will help you obtain results faster and spend less time dedicated to the operation and maintenance of your ion chromatographs.

This webinar covers key innovations incorporated into Thermo Fisher Dionex Ion Chromatography systems all designed to improve your lab’s productivity. These include automated sample preparation, parallel sample processing, regent free ion chromatography, and High Pressure Ion Chromatography. All these technologies will help you generate data faster and easier, while reducing maintenance and operating costs, as well as freeing up resources to accomplish other laboratory tasks.

Learning Objectives of Webinar

  1.  Learn about advanced capabilities which allow for parallel sample processing and automating sample preparation steps.
  2.  Learn how to achieve faster run times for each sample and gain better separation between ions of interest with High-Pressure Ion Chromatography.
  3. Learn about how to enhance separation capabilities while making IC easier, safer and better using reagent free ion chromatography.

Who should attend

This webinar is for any chromatographer doing ion analysis or for any lab who is considering bringing ion chromatography into their lab. The content will show how to make ion chromatpgraphy better by increasing sample throughput, achieving faster run times and improving resolution.

Available on demand

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