Real-Time, Comprehensive Workplace and Indoor Air Quality Analysis Using SIFT-MS
Many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and inorganic gases pose a significant risk to human health in workplaces ranging from manufacturing to logistics to offices
sponsored by Syft Technologies

Many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and inorganic gases pose a significant risk to human health in workplaces ranging from manufacturing to logistics to offices. Traditional analytical techniques for determining exposure are either impractical for onsite monitoring or are portable but have low selectivity.
This webinar introduces Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS) – an innovative and industry-proven analytical technique that directly, instantly and comprehensively analyzes air to part-per-trillion (ppt) concentrations.
Various workplace and indoor air quality applications of SIFT-MS will be presented, including analysis of fumigation chemicals in shipping containers, multiple-point indoor air quality monitoring, and high-throughput laboratory applications.