Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
03/07/2018 | Joanna Cummings
Highlighting the complexities of gender bias at scientific conferences
02/12/2018 | Joanna Cummings
Read the latest issue of our growing mini magazine, The Cannabis Scientist
New "plant tattoo sensors" measure the speed of water movement in plants
02/09/2018 | Joanna Cummings
Business in brief: what’s going on in the business world of analytical science?
02/08/2018 | Joanna Cummings
What makes blue crab urine so scary? NMR- and MS-based metabolomics has the answer
We preview Pittcon 2018 to see if it will have you "walking on sunshine"…
An experimental electronic pill can analyze the chemical composition of intestinal gas
The general public has little emotional connection with chemistry. What can we do about it?
01/11/2018 | Joanna Cummings
We talk to Humanity in Science Award winner Richard Jähnke about counterfeit drugs, and how the Minilab can help
Business in brief: we share highlights from the business world of analytical science
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond