Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
12/18/2020 | Jeffrey Williams
The story of Exum Instruments' Massbox, from inception to development and beyond
Sitting Down With… Andrew Whitley, Vice President of Sales and Business Development at HORIBA Scientific
09/21/2020 | Lauren Robertson
A round-up of the latest business news in analytical science, from a program that promises to accelerate drug development to new product launches
The Innovation Awards are back for 2020 - but which breakthroughs will make the cut? Nominate now!
07/23/2020 | Lauren Robertson
A roundup of this month’s business news, from virtual product launches to industry buyouts adjusted for the COVID-19 era
07/22/2020 | Emma Wilson
Women face many obstacles in the worlds of academia and publishing – and it’s time that changed
06/03/2020 | Lauren Robertson
A round-up of this month’s business news, from the world’s most powerful NMR to continued COVID-19 testing
05/13/2020 | Scott Rudder
Scott Rudder, co-founder of Innovative Photonic Solutions, offers his advice about transitioning from research spectroscopy into the business world
05/09/2020 | Lauren Robertson
A round-up of this month’s business news, from COVID-19 testing to new product launches
A round-up of this month’s business news, from COVID-19 assays to AI-driven cancer diagnosis
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond