Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
07/12/2023 | Jessica Allerton | 2 min read
How crab shells could be used for biodegradable components in spectrometers
07/05/2023 | Jessica Allerton | 4 min read
Cicely Rathmell from Wasatch Photonics discusses how Raman spectroscopy is increasingly being applied in the food chain
06/30/2023 | Jessica Allerton | 3 min read
Vibrational spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy reveal cooking and consumption of giant land snails amongst early Homo sapiens
06/12/2023 | Jessica Allerton
BPA-like chemicals in food labels are contaminating fresh produce, study finds
05/23/2023 | Georgia Hulme
Cows fed with industrial hemp produce milk containing cannabinoids, LC-MS/MS analysis reveals
05/18/2023 | Georgia Hulme | 4 min read
Luis Rodriguez-Saona discusses the spectroscopic techniques at the forefront of food analysis
05/04/2023 | 2 min read
Potential protein purification revolution, opening the door to cricket protein products, and fermented coffee’s interesting new flavors…
Serving up a selection of our leading food and beverage content in one convenient place
04/25/2023 | 4 min read
Liz Moran discusses the dangers of PFAS and the analytical efforts being made to improve food safety
03/28/2023 | Luigi Mondello, Mariosimone Zoccali, Peter Tranchida | 2 min read
In the first issue of The Analytical Scientist, we discussed methods to determine mineral oil contamination of foodstuffs. Well, did we get there?
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Ancient Bubblegum
Pushing the Boundaries of Bioprocessing
Work Hard, Network Harder